Tuesday, September 26, 2006

"It Ain't Sausage if it Ain't Janak's"

The words I typed above appear on a sign directly below the character seen above. (If you did not notice, the guy is a big sausage link with a cowboy hat on...I love this picture). Nonetheless, my post is actually not about Janak's (pronounced who knows how), but rather something I learned on a dove-hunting trip this weekend, during which we passed this sign along with a couple other priceless gems.
I went on the trip with David Rekerdres (Bethan's brother) and Landon Carl seen below:
We had a great time. We shot flying animals, we ate them, and we had some good time just hanging out and enjoying time on the ranch.
But, the thing I learned, is that though I enjoyed myself thoroughly, I was able to see that my life with Bethan is much more enjoyable. I started thinking about all the things she does as my wife, and about the time we spend together...and I have to say that it is way better than anything else I could do anywhere with anyone else. I love her very much, and my quality of life has increased one-hundred fold since marriage.

Thank you Jesus for Bethan.


Vanessa said...

He loves her..

Anonymous said...

one of the things she probably does as an english-major-wife is tell you how to pronounce words. Like Janak. pro: "yawn-ick"

a kid at my elementary school's last name was Janak. He was more popular than me. Him and everyone else.