Tuesday, April 11, 2006

A New Series of Blogs: Jesus Teaches Through Termination

Recently, I lost my job working at The Fargo (lost it?...sounds like I misplaced something). I know, I know...you want to know how? If you so desire to know the unlikely details, I will fill you in over the phone or in person. However, the purpose of the next few blogs will be to write about what Jesus has taught me through me being fired. Many people like to claim that unfortunate events are not from the hand of the Lord...the Bible disagrees. And he has indeed shown me that there was divine purpose and action behind the whole shebang. So, stay tuned for real-life application of what the Bible says about unexpected, seemingly negative events, and how Jesus is sufficient for joy right smack-dab (oh yes...smack-dab) in the middle of them.


Karen said...

Yep. You never know how God will get His glory from things that we see as setbacks. Thanks for reminding me that its not always about me!

Vanessa said...

Brother- I was encouraged by what you learned about Jesus through this!