Obsessed with Ringtones?
So here's a useless post as far as deeper things are concerned, but I must go on. I have provided a link (look down the right side of my page under other blog links) that will take you to a website where you can upload songs from your computer to a website which will then send you a text message to your phone. For each different phone brand you may have, there are instructions on what to do with that text message so you can receive your ringtone. An added bonus to this whole thing, is that when you upload your favorite songs, you can choose which 20 second interval of the song you want to put on your phone to play as the ringtone. Thus, no more buying ringtones with the useless parts of the songs playing. What's the catch? Well, there is none really...except that when you sign up with this unbelievably cool site, i get free ringtones as well. So uh, let's all work together, right? Anyways...if you are interested, there you go. If not...welp...sorry for the lame-o post.