Friday, July 07, 2006

As if we don't have enough problems with bumper stickers, t-shirts, jewelry, music, game makers have come out with "Left Behind: Eternal Forces". Straight from the popular Christian fiction series comes a related video game. I saw a clip on it off of which includes an interview with the games designer. The man explains his heart for the game, which consists mainly of reaching a wider market with video games (thank you for the honesty...he could have pulled the "I felt called to do this.." line). What is the game all about you ask? Well, it just so happens that in the game you are part of a coalition force that is fighting a bloody war against the forces of the evil world leader during the end times. In the game, the player is equipped with body armor and a machine gun to annihilate the opposition. But wait! This sounds just like a normal video game! Indeed, it does...and it is. However, along with the power of grenades, missile launchers, helicopters, machine guns, and platoons...the player can also hit the "pray" button. That's right...the pray button. When this button is pressed, the soldier kindly stops killing people, and prays right then and there, thus resulting in renewed strength required to continue killing. Without addressing further the silliness of this game, I think one can gain a good insight into what our culture's view of Christianity is from this. I know it got me thinking.


BHG & Co. said...

There is not not enough energy in my fingers to stype my "I can't stand the Christian sub-culture" rant (I like that rant)... even though I am not sure if that would be the most applicable rant. Perhaps, the situation may be require the patented "Let's stop marketing religion" rant mixed with some of the "political correctness is a pathetic farce" rant.

All that said, there will be no ranting... not because my fingers are tired, but because my "ranting soap-box issues may at times cross the line into self-righteousness" rant has pursuaded me to give up the ranting practice.

(this just in... this post has just won the "uses the word 'rant' or a form thereof the most times in a post" award)

D.O. said...

I like you Brandon. We could have good conversations about that and topics... like EJ.

Vanessa said...

uhh, we are waiting for the first married post. Not that you are't busy unpacking or anything, but we are waiting, patiently!