Sunday, August 27, 2006

Mo' Money Mo' Prollems

In case you were thinking it...yes, I do know how to spell "problems", but correct pronunciation and spelling does not apply to the language of the street. Therefore, you must deal with the title.

However, on a more serious note, I have been stirred up recently to think about the issue of wealth and Christianity. By wealth, I do not mean merely an abundance of cash or other valuable "whatnots". I feel that in churches today, too much emphasis is placed upon amounts of money or quantity of possessions rather than on the deeper issue. I guess what I have been wondering is...What is exactly the function and place of money and material wealth for people who love Jesus? Or more importantly, what does Jesus teach about wealth? My desire to know about this has arisen due to a few different instances.

The first is, well...I'm married now, and I have to lead my wife and future family in godliness in all areas of life; including finances. So, it is imperative for me to know what Jesus commands.

Secondly, I despise the prosperity gospel or any hint of it in anyone's teaching. Over the years, too much damage has been done by the church in the name of God for the purpose of material gain. Too many pastors love money more than Jesus, and too many congregations are tainted with a subtle love for the things of this world that is almost impossible to encroach upon by another loving Christian or by a faithful shepherd.

Third, most of the teaching I hear on the topic of money seems to be rooted in human reasoning rather than upon what Jesus says. Or at the very least, Jesus' words are considered and then applied in faulty ways by well-meaning people. Most of the time, we hear this disguised as "wisdom" or "smart shopping" or some other responsible-sounding saying that is - sooner or later - accepted as warmly as any other biblical truth.

I hope to be learning about this and blogging about it. I think it is an important issue that contributes - either positively or negatively - to the witness of the church. And I also hope to get some great feedback from anyone who would graciously help me understand Jesus in this area.

1 comment:

D.O. said...


I've been trying to figure out what the crap to think about money for two years. Now that I'm an unemployed college graduate, well, it doesn't really matter. BUT, I will have a job soon (Lord willing) and I want to handle those earnings how He would.

Treasure Principle helped in this journey, so if you haven't read it, don't borrow Allen's copy, because I have it. In Dallas.