Sunday, May 21, 2006

Sorry for the lame picture from Amazon. I could not find a good one of this book anywhere. So, click as you might, you can not "search inside" this book from this site. However, I finished this book tonight and I loved it. About two months ago I realized that I had heard the term "imputation" but never knew what it meant. Turns out, the meaning of the imputation of Christ's righteousness is a central element to the gospel we preach. Imputation sounds like one of those unintelligible theological terms that scare people away, however understanding what the term is trying to communicate is a must. In a nutshell, imputation means that a Christian has no righteousness in and of himself, but that by faith God credits (or imputes) Christ's righteousness to his account and he is declared not guilty (justified) before the throne. The book unpacks much more (MUCH MORE) of the meat concerning this issue.

This is Piper's response to an article written by Dr. Robert Gundry who claims that the imputation of Christ's righteousness is unbiblical and should be abandoned by the church. The book is an exegetical defense of this doctrine, so there is some Greek stuff involved; however, I know ABSOLUTELY NO GREEK and I could understand it adequately enough to enjoy the book. It's short, thick, and was a great help for me in understanding why we must defend and contend for the doctrine of the imputation of Christ's righteousness.

1 comment:

D.O. said...

thank you for apologizing for the lame amazon link (note: amazon isn't lame, but using that picture for a book review kinda is...). It was going to be the topic of my comment (and turns out, still was) but you started that post exactly as you should have. Thanks.