Friday, May 05, 2006

Yep...I Read It

Well, I read my first book on marriage. It was a short one...but I had to start small. Mahaney does a great job going through the Song of Solomon and giving sound, Biblical, God-exalting teaching on sex, romance, and the glory of God (hence the title). I recommend it, though it is for husbands, to unmarried guys who still have a few months till the wedding because it is not explicit or detailed in the actual act of sex, but merely gives Biblical teaching on why it exists and what God thinks about it. Also, he spends most of the book talking about his main theme: "Touch her mind and her heart before you touch her body." This was a great subject to read about and it shamed me even in the current, unmarried way I pursue Bethan. There are so many things that men can do, in or out of marriage, to touch the mind and heart of their better halves. Mahaney gets practical and realistic, and the best part is...he celebrates all of it! Pursuing your betrothed, or your wife are Biblical mandates and I found this short read (106 pgs.) to be convicting, helpful, and motivational.


KS said...


I agree with you. I read it with Becky last year during our marriage time together. This romance part is hard though, even after you've been married 7 years.

Paul Schafer
Saturday Night Service - LHBC

D.O. said...

holy crap... you've posted like a million new posts since I last visited... what got into you? and why am I all of the sudden "Derrick Oliver"... who is that?